OSU Syngenta vbi

BLASTP: At3g48110 vs Arabidopsis Proteins
Locus Score Alignment Length Percenty Identity Expect

TBLASTN: At3g48110 vs DFCI Gene Indices for Plant ESTs
Taxon Dataset Number of Hits Max. Score Strongest E_value
Arabidopsis thaliana AGI.042210720500
Rice (Oryza sativa) OGI.042210813930
Populus PPLGI.04221027330
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) LGI.04221046880
Cotton (Gossypium) CGI.03191024530
Helianthus annuus HAGI.05290924249e-119
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) STGI.04221024029e-112
Medicago truncatula MTGI.04221063941e-137
Vitis vinifera VVGI.04221033438.999999999999999e-94
Nicotiana tabacum NTGI.04221033073e-85
Brassica napus BNGI.03191023045.9999999999999995e-83
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CHRGI.04221022194.9999999999999996e-57
Spruce SGI.03191011738e-43
Soybean (Glycine max) GMGI.04221021622.0000000000000002e-39
Maize (Zea mays) ZMGI.06050911531e-36

BLASTP: At3g48110 vs Non-Plant Model Organism Proteins
Taxon Number of Hits Max. Score Strongest E_value
Synechocystis 23602e-100
Escherichia coli 23502.9999999999999997e-97