Description of Experimental Methods

Seeds were removed from immature siliques with the aid of fine-tipped forceps (Dumont #4) and a dissecting microscope (Wild M-7), cleared in a small amount of Hoyer's solution on a glass slide, and viewed under a compound microscope (Nikon E600) equipped with Nomarski (DIC) optics. Images were recorded on a digital imaging system (Nikon DXM1200) and edited using Adobe Photoshop. Most images were taken with a 20x objective. Hoyer's solution contains 30 ml water, 100 g chloral hydrate (permit required), 7.5 g gum Arabic, and 5 ml glycerin. The stock solution can be diluted for optimal visualization of young seeds. Mutant seeds usually clear in 4-12 hours, depending on stage of development and dilution of the Hoyer's stock.