Embryo-Defective Mutants of Arabidopsis

Approximately 250 embryo-defective mutants of Arabidopsis were isolated and characterized in the Meinke laboratory before the SeedGenes project was initiated.  This page provides archival information about this mutant collection.  Contact David Meinke for additional information about the collection and The Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center (ABRC) for seed stocks. 

List of Mutants. (11/22/99) This table presents the following information about embryo-defective mutants in the collection: ecotype, mutagen employed, tagging status, seed and embryo phenotype, segregation ratio, chromosome location, original seed source, and ABRC catalog number (where available) for mutants in the collection.  Follow this link for an explanation of column headings.

Linkage Information (6/12/97) This table summarizes recombination estimates for EMB genes and linked visible markers. Follow this link for an explanation of column headings. This information was used to make linkage assignments and place EMB genes on the classical map.

Raw Recombination Data (6/12/97) This table presents the actual numbers of F2 plants observed in each phenotypic class. Follow this link for an explanation of column headings. Use this table only if you need detailed information about a specific mapping population.


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